Spatial Data About Parking Places Used for Purpose of Spatial Planning – Example of Łódź Centre


  • Marcin Feltynowski University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology



spatial planning, spatial data, evidence based spatial planning, parking places, geolocation


Spatial planning is certain of basic areas of activity of local governments. Communes were equipped with planning controls so they can shape the use of space. The main instrument of spatial planning in Poland is land-use plan optionally drawn up by the local government. Planners use various planning materials, which include analysis and thematic studies in the procedure of spatial planning. More and more often there are used spatial data which are collected using GPS devices.
The article presents an analysis of spatial data resource, specifying the location of vehicles in the pedestrian part of the Piotrkowska Street and adjacent quarters. It was possible to perform analyzes with the collected material which suggest potential location of the multi-storey car parks. The analysis show too, which of location lies on the areas belonging to the commune. Such studies are an excellent input material, which enables planners to make decisions regarding the location of objects. The use of spatial information for planning is becoming increasingly common, because of and low cost of collecting data. This allows to indicate this resource, as one of the main source of conduct spatial analysis to the needs of local authorities.


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How to Cite

Feltynowski, M. (2016). Spatial Data About Parking Places Used for Purpose of Spatial Planning – Example of Łódź Centre. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(323), [67]-80.



Spatial economics

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