Problem of lost settlements in the light of historico-geographical studies. An attempt of theoretical conceptualization and selected methodical and empirical issues
Deserted settlements, settlement emptiness, historical geography, rural settlementAbstract
The article presents the problem of settlement disappearance. At the stage of analysis of historico-geographical research it was possible to identify some terminological chaos, which encouraged the author to make an attempt to systematize terms and to propose clear definitions. Among the all disappeared settlements one can distinguish two basic categories: practically deserted settlements, which were completely abandoned as a result of extreme natural phenomena, repercussions of wars and natural disasters, as well as transformation of the economic structure. One can also identify formally lost settlements, accompanied by the disappearance of the proper name as a result of legal and administrative processes of consolidation, incorporation to the nearby town or phenomenon of denomination. In the context of the presented results of empirical studies author discussed some methodological problems related to the availability of the source material, as well as techniques to determine the period and decay time of settlement, to identify the phenomenon of settlement succession after temporary total depopulation, to specify the circumstances of desolation and indicate the exact or approximate location of the disappeared settlements.References
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