Die Kritik der gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse in Marek Fiedors Bühnenbearbeitung von Franz Kafkas "Der Proceß" für das Teatr Polski in Poznań 2004
Franz Kafka, fiction, short storie, scepticism, stage adaptationAbstract
Franz Kafka is one of those exceptional authors who never wrote a drama and despite this paved his way to theatrical stages. The situation is not different in Poland where numerous theatre directors reach for short stories and novels of Kafka in order to present their scenic version. When one of the most talented Polish directors embarks on such a task, as it is in the case with Marek Fiedor, this requires special attention. The article makes an attempt at the analysis of stage adaptation of The Trial by Kafka based on Marek Fiedor’s vision dated from 2004 and demonstrates that in spite of sceptical opinions of many scholars and theatre experts, the texts of Kafka can be successfully transferred on the stage.
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