Ungleiche Paare: Kasuswechsel in koordinierten Nominalphrasen
In detailed investigations, caused by BASTIAN SICK’s book Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod, I discovered that the statements of SICK (2004) present only half the truth (or even less), since the replacement of the genitive by the dative is only part of a more extensive change: the dative is also replaced by the genitive (especially after prepositions), dative and accusative are exchanged, and all three oblique cases are exchanged by the nominative. My initial findings concerned cases assigned by verbs and prepositions as well as cases in appositives. Meanwhile, I noticed that you can find case change also in conjoined NPs like den Leichen von Generalbundesanwalt Buback und seines Fahrers (rather than: seinem Fahrer). In this article many examples for case change (in its synchronic as well as in its diachronic reading) will be presented and interpreted. They show the increasing uncertainty of speakers of German in their use of cases. We can draw the conclusion that the case system of German is going to be changed and possibly given up altogether.
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