Unter der Glasglocke: generationelle Befindlichkeiten in Zoë Jennys "Das Blütenstaubzimmer"
Zoë Jenny, „The Pollen Room”, Fräuleinwunder, youth novel, narrative, Sylvia Plath, „Bell Jarr”, intertextual approachAbstract
Das Blütenstaubzimmer, a debut novel by Zoë Jenny published in 1997 (The Pollen Room, 1999, English translation by Elizabeth Gaffney), can be perceived as a book belonging to the ‚Fräuleinwunder‘ and adolescent novel traditions. What should be exceptionally appreciated is the artistic and sensuous language that reflects a looking inward first person narrative perspective. The thorough analysis of the poetics used by the Swiss author surprisingly bears resemblance to The Bell Jar, an autobiographical novel by Sylvia Plath (1963). An inter-textual approach sheds light on the latent intention of the text to go beyond an individual or national level and on the universal message on a contemporary condition of man and its tragic overtones.
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