The Impact of “Cold Acting” in LESSING and DIDEROT?


  • Susanne Kaul



Denis Diderot, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, theatre theory, affect theories, Enlightenment


This article presents the debate on theatre theory that arose in the 18th century and in which DIDEROT and LESSING participated. The conflict revolved around the question whether an actor should convey authentic emotions and identify with the character he/she plays or whether he/she should act in an unemotional and controlled way without becoming absorbed in the role. While DIDEROT delivers many arguments for “the cold actor”, LESSING pleads for a mix of “fire” and “coldness”. The thesis of this article is that LESSING’S “coldness” is justified by an Enlightenment common sense morality that can be seen as akin to Adam Smith’s ideas, while DIDEROT defends the “cold” way of acting in the name of aesthetic values which serve to assure a high artistic level of performance. The article looks at how some implications of these statements about “cold” and “hot” feelings are critically related to contemporary emotion theories.

Author Biography

Susanne Kaul

Dr. phil. habil., Studium der Literaturwissenschaft, Linguistik und Philosophie in Paderborn. Promotionsstudium Germanistik und Graduiertenkolleg „Zeiterfahrung und ästhetische Wahrnehmung“ in Frankfurt am Main. 2002 Promotion. 2007 Habilitation (beides in Bielefeld). 2012 Gastprofessur an der University of Notre Dame (USA). 2012-2018 Heisenbergstipendiatin der DFG (ab 2014 an der WWU Münster). 2017-2018 Professurvertretung in Bielefeld. 2019 Professurvertretung in Kassel. Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte: Neuere Deutsche Literatur von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart, Shakespeare, Kleist, Kafka, Literatur und Ethik, (Film-)Narratologie, Komiktheorie.


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How to Cite

Kaul, S. (2019). The Impact of “Cold Acting” in LESSING and DIDEROT?. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 31–46.




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