Policy regarding peer review

Contributions submitted for publication in Biuletyn Szadkowski undergo preliminary assessment by the editors in respect of meeting the formal requirements and the thematic profile of the journal. Next they are subjected to the process of double-blind review, on anonymous and confidential basis, by specialists in a given discipline.

Reviews have a written form and provide opinions whether  a contribution can be published in the presented version, requires minor or major corrections, or should be rejected as failing to meet the accepted criteria.

The review form can be found on the journal website.

The review procedure is consistent with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education:

  1. Each submission should be assessed by at least two independent reviewers from outside the academic unit with which the author is affiliated,
  2. Author(s) and reviewers do not know their identities (double-blind review); in other cases the reviewer signs a declaration that there is no conflict of interests, meaning direct personal relationship between the author and the reviewer (kinship to the second degree, marriage), official subordination or direct academic cooperation during two years preceding the year of the review preparation,
  3. The review in written form provides a clear conclusion concerning the article acceptance conditions or its rejection,
  4. Acceptance or rejection criteria and the review form are provided on the journal website and in each issue of the journal,
  5. Names of the reviewers of particular articles or journal issues are not disclosed.


Review form