The registers of Korczew parish


  • Grzegorz Sztandera



Korczew, parish registers


The requirement to keep the records of births, baptisms, marriages and deaths was decreed in 1563 by the Council of Trent. In Poland, this requirement started being observed quite soon, already at the end of the 16th century. In the parish of Korczew, the keeping of such records began in 1603. Until the World War II the registers for the years 1649–1805 were kept in the parish archive, from where they were taken away by the Nazis and most probably were destroyed. A preserved inspection report contains a list of these documents, which was included in an article for those who are interested in demographic research. Fortunately, the registers for the years 1806–1945 have survived and are kept in the Diocese Archive in Włocławek, the State Archive in Łódź and the Registry in Zduńska Wola. They contain a wealth of information interesting for both historians engaged in professional research and persons looking for records concerning their predecessors.


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How to Cite

Sztandera, G. (2015). The registers of Korczew parish . Biuletyn Szadkowski, 15, 225–235.


