Zastosowanie fenomenologii „moralnego wzlotu” Maxa Schelera do analizy przywództwa
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
phenomenology of management, phenomenology of leadership, moral flight, personalistic leadership, servant leadershipAbstrakt
Phenomenology of management seeks to grasp the essence of manager's work – its core is the analysis of leadership. Phenomenology of leadership is an approach that makes the idea “to be someone – to do something” becomes the guiding principle of of management. Max Scheler’s “moral flight” phenomenology is one of the most important inspiration in the analysis of leadership. His anthropology reveals that being a man is in fact a continuing task that is impossible to take, and the result depends on the man himself. Scheler’s phenomenology is a good way to discover the essence of leadership (eidos) in the process of culture change. This article presents a case study: Ricardo Semler’s inner transformation, who might overcome the technocratic attitude and make the “moral flight”. The main inspiration for him was a metaphor “builder of cathedrals”. As a result of his own inner transformation has become a “builder of cathedrals”, such as a leader, who serves – it was a condition for conversion of others in the “cathedral builders”. As a result of the Semler's “moral flight” their company was transformed in “cathedral builders” guild – community of work.Bibliografia
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