Responsibility for issuance and execution of an order
command responsibility, superior order defence, respondeat superior, absolute liability, execution of ordersAbstract
‘On the issue of responsibility for issuance and execution of an order’ is the study dedicated to an important, although little explored in Polish conditions, problem of orders. The complexity, due to a different basis of liability and its multi-subject, is presented according to two aspects. The first one is liability for issuing the order, the other is liability for enforcement of the order. Due to the strict bound of basic issues related to the matter of responsibility for the issuance and enforcement of the order with criminal responsibility, the article is recognized from an international legal and criminal standpoint, shown mainly on the basis of the jurisprudence of international tribunals. A general emphasis is put on a discussion and familiarization with matters relating to the fields of command responsibility and superior order defense, which are the essential notions concerning matters of individual responsibility for the issuance and enforcement of orders.
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