Selected practical problems in the judgement concerning drug offences




intoxicant, psychotropic substance, significant amount, discontinuation of proceedings, therapy


The article raises significant practical problems concerning judgements under the Prevention of Drug Abuse Act. The paper analyses a possibility of discontinuation of the proceedings pursuant to Article 62a of the Act and criticizes in particular the conditions for such a judgement. There are also included some considerations concerning the proper legal classification of the acts referred to in the Prevention of Drug Abuse Act and the term of a “significant amount” of intoxicants or psychotropic substances. A position is expressed that there is lack of a need for statutory clarification of that imprecise concept.


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How to Cite

Błoński, M. (2016). Selected practical problems in the judgement concerning drug offences. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica, 76, 153–165.




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