Choosing between isometry and rhyme. A new Polish translation of Ianus Secundus’ Basia
Ianus Secundus, Basia, Polish translations of Secundus’ BasiaAbstract
Jan Everaerts, a poet from The Hague, also known as Ianus Secundus (1511–1536) gave the posterity his translations from Greek into Latin, epigrams, letters and travel diaries among others, but he is mainly known as the author of love poetry: a book of elegies entitled Iulia in honor of his first beloved and the famous collection of 19 poems entitled Basia (The Kisses), written for the other lady of his heart, named Neaera. Basia were willingly read, imitated and translated both by contemporaries of Secundus and poets of the next centuries; there are plenty of translations of Basia into European languages, more or less faithful to the Latin original. In Polish we may read Pocałunki (The Kisses) by Arnold Spaet (1932) and by Wiesław Sienkiewicz (1991) – the latter is an isometric translation based on the philological one by Ksawery Sajewicz. The author of the paper presents both observations on selected Polish translations and a sample of her own translation of Secundus’ Basia.
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