Content analysis of hotel reviews as a quality management tool: Preliminary verification of the SERVQUAL scale



Słowa kluczowe:

service quality, SERVQUAL method verification, OTA, analysis of opinions published online


The purpose of this paper is to identify the main factors for the quality of hotel services and to verify the SERVQUAL measurement scale commonly used in the services sector. In order to achieve this goal, an innovative approach of quantitative and qualitative content analysis of reviews published by users of the reservation portals and was used. The study was based on more than 167,000 opinions on 3,4,5-star hotels located in Warsaw. They were ‘scraped’ with an indexing robot. The research outlines a list of the most important topics raised in those comments which correspond to the factors of perceived service quality of hotels. Among these are location, room attributes, cleanliness, breakfast and staff. In addition, the most important criteria used by customers to describe each of the listed elements are also reported. The results made it possible to identify differences between the operationalization of the constructs indicated in the SERVQUAL scale and the descriptions of each factor in the spontaneous comments of internet users. Thus, the need for adjustment to the current operationalizations of the SERVQUAL model to better reflect the sentiments of consumers in the hotel industry, or even developing a completely new tool for measuring service quality, was demonstrated.


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2023-04-15 — zaktualizowane 2023-09-08


Jak cytować

Wąsowicz-Zaborek, E. (2023). Content analysis of hotel reviews as a quality management tool: Preliminary verification of the SERVQUAL scale. Turyzm/Tourism, 33(1), 29–40. (Original work published 15 kwiecień 2023)


