Characteristics of Roman Female Deities


  • Idaliana Kaczor Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filologiczny, Katedra Filologii Klasycznej, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź, Polska/Poland



Roman female deities, Roman religious cults, Roman pantheon of gods


Ancient Romans’ sacral community established a cohesive and complex religious system. Its reflection was a multi-figural pantheon of gods with a variety of sacral functions that were supposed to meet the most essential material and non-material needs of the members of this religious community. This article focuses on those needs of great importance to the whole community of Rome which were met by the female figures of the Roman pantheon.


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How to Cite

Kaczor, I. (2018). Characteristics of Roman Female Deities. Studia Ceranea, 8, 23–41.




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