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Vol. 14 (2024)
Zadanie finansowane ze środków programu Rozwój Czasopism Naukowych w ramach umowy nr RCN/SP/0024/2021/1
Early View
Early View contains peer-reviewed and copy-edited articles which have been accepted for publication and assigned a DOI number. The articles can already be cited as they will be included in the next journal issue.
Vol. 13 (2023)
Zadanie finansowane ze środków programu Rozwój Czasopism Naukowych w ramach umowy nr RCN/SP/0024/2021/1
Vol. 10 (2020)
Task: Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the yearly Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe financed through contract no. 605/P-DUN/2019, 12.06.2019 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship
Vol. 8 (2018)
Task: Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the yearly Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship
Vol. 7 (2017)
Task: Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the yearly Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship