Remarks concerning untypical variant of Slavic “Apocalypse of St. Paul the Apostle” in the collection of Cyrillic manuscripts in Poland


  • Ян Страдомский Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
  • Мария Иванова



Apocryphal apocalypses, Old-Church-Slavonic translations from Greek, textology of Medieval literary monuments


The apocryphal Apocalypse of St. Paul the Apostle
belongs to the group of early-Christian texts which exerted significant impact on people’s perception
of the nether world and the Last Judgment. In the Middle Ages, the text was known in the area of
western and eastern Christian literary tradition. Numerous translations also include the rendition
of the Apocalypse of St. Paul the Apostle into Church Slavonic, made in Bulgaria between the 10th
and the 11th century, whose presence and distribution in the area of southern Slavdom and Ruthenia
is confirmed by copies of manuscripts. The article is devoted to a manuscript of the Apocalypse of
St. Paul the Apostle hitherto overlooked in studies, whose unique form supplements and makes the
Slavic textual tradition of the manuscript more comprehensible. The unique feature of the discussed
copy is supplementation of the text with an ending, present only in the ancient Syrian and Coptic
translations of the apocryphal text.


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How to Cite

Страдомский, Я., & Иванова, М. (2014). Remarks concerning untypical variant of Slavic “Apocalypse of St. Paul the Apostle” in the collection of Cyrillic manuscripts in Poland. Studia Ceranea, 4, 193–207.




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