Love and Sexuality in Non-standard Bulgarian Language Varieties




standard language, slang, dialects, colloquial speech


This article offers a critical view at the vocabulary related to love, sex, people involved in romantic relationships and their roles in love-play. The analysis covers a period of more than hundred years – from the end of the nineteenth century, through the years of the communist regime to the present day. During this period, the specific slang and colloquial vocabularies related to love and to sex have undergone significant changes, both in terms of the abundance of words and their meanings, as well as in terms of origin, diffusion and use of the lexical units. Their function in cinema, literature, popular songs, the media and even in the official political discourse is also analysed. Particular attention is paid to the “unslangisation” of a number of lexemes and their gradual integration into colloquial speech and into the language practice of people of all ages, professions and social statuses.


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Author Biography

Gueorgui Armianov, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité

Gueorgui Armianov – maître de conférences en linguistique bulgare à l’Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris. Il a été chargé de cours en linguistique bulgare à l’Université de Sofia, chercheur à l’Académie bulgare des sciences et lecteur de langue, littérature et civilisation bulgares à l’Université de Londres, l’Université d’Oxford (1992-1994) et à l’Université de Strasbourg (1998-2005). Ses intérêts scientifiques portent sur la grammaire, la lexicologie et la lexicographie bulgares, la sociolinguistique, les variétés non standard.


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How to Cite

Armianov, G. (2021). Love and Sexuality in Non-standard Bulgarian Language Varieties. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (16), 95–103.