Spatial and Temporal Dilemmas of Managers and Entrepreneurs. The Reconstruction of Neutralization Techniques




Career, Managers, Entrepreneurs, Organizations, Techniques of Neutralization, Narratives, Qualitative Methods, Temporality, Time, Space, Spatiality, Guilt and Shame


It is often assumed (in line with social expectations) that being a business manager and/or owner implies the feeling of omnipotence. Not only do organizational leaders run businesses, but they are also qualified to do so and are well-organized to physically and mentally cope with their duties. Thus, permanent (external and internal) pressure forces key organizational actors to use self-presentation strategies that meet social expectations.

Narratives of organizational leaders show that other aspects of their lives are subdued to the sphere of business activities or are even incorporated by it. One of the most dominant strategies is to present oneself as an inner-directed individual in control of one’s career (a “self-made man” or “self-made woman”). At the same time, such an attitude results in “tensions” between irreconcilable roles or activities undertaken in various spheres of life.

These tensions are depicted in the paper. The author shows different types of neutralization techniques used by organizational leaders to overcome or mitigate these tensions. Eleven neutralization practices have been outlined. These techniques have been identified in the course of the nearly decade-long research into spatial and temporal dimensions of careers of managers and entrepreneurs.


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Author Biography

Waldemar Dymarczyk, University of Lodz, Poland

Waldemar Dymarczyk, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of Organization and Management, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz. His interests cover grounded theory, temporal and spatial dimensions of social life, visual sociology, sociology of propaganda, and sociology of organization and management.


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How to Cite

Dymarczyk, W. (2020). Spatial and Temporal Dilemmas of Managers and Entrepreneurs. The Reconstruction of Neutralization Techniques. Qualitative Sociology Review, 16(4), 36–51.