The War on the Wall. Polish and Soviet War Posters Analysis


  • Waldemar Dymarczyk University of Lodz, Poland



War Posters, Poster Analysis, Polish-Soviet War, Grounded Theory, Visual Sociology


Every war is not only the fight of the armies but also a war of the ideologies. One of the forms of the ideological war is propaganda posters. Over forty posters presented and analyzed in this article come from the Polish-Soviet war in 1919-1921. The research work is based on grounded theory procedures adopted for visual data analyses. Particularly useful was a method of coding families worked out by Barney Glaser and modified to the visual data analysis by Krzysztof Konecki. The author reconstructed several basic motifs, formal solutions, and communication strategies (i.e., continuity and continuation versus avant-garde and revolution, image of the enemy and “one’s own” imagination, strategic conversion) used by artists-ideologists from both sides of the conflict.


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Author Biography

Waldemar Dymarczyk, University of Lodz, Poland

Waldemar Dymarczyk, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology of Organization and Management, Institute Sociology, University of Lodz. A member of the editorial board of Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej and advisory board of Qualitative Sociology Review. A member of Qualitative Section of the Polish Sociological Association. His interests cover qualitative sociology, grounded theory, temporal and spatial dimensions of social life, visual sociology, and sociology of organization and management.



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How to Cite

Dymarczyk, W. (2014). The War on the Wall. Polish and Soviet War Posters Analysis . Qualitative Sociology Review, 10(4), 6–31.


