The Everyday Aesthetics of Public Space




aesthetics, everyday aesthetics, public space, Joanna Rajkowska


The main claim of the article is that everyday aesthetics conceived as a philosophical analysis of everyday objects and situations offers a theoretical perspective that may be applied to the aesthetics of public space. Analysed in aesthetic terms, the public space may be thought to be a space that offers an aesthetic experience to the widest possible public. I contend that the aesthetic quality of public space should be a quality that favours positive experiences of the everyday, banal practices taking place in it. Accordingly, designing public space should consist in making it “everyday experience-friendly.” My argument will be illustrated by the example of a site-specific installation, the Oxygenator, created in Warsaw by Joanna Rajkowska, whose intention was to offer people an ordinary place where they could meet in a “healthy atmosphere.”


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How to Cite

Salwa, M. (2019). The Everyday Aesthetics of Public Space. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, (33), 75–89.