Joan Riviere: The Woman behind the Masquerade
Joan Riviere, psychoanalysis, feminism, woman, womanliness as masquerade, Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Ernest Jones, short circuitsAbstract
Joan Riviere, a British psychoanalyst, is best known for her concept of femininity as masquerade, which gained recognition in feminist and philosophical circles through Judith Butler and her Gender Trouble. This paper analyzes Riviere’s life and work in the context of tensions between psychoanalysis, philosophy, and feminism. In part (I), I discuss why the relationship between these fields is not unproblematic. Part (II) focuses on Riviere’s biography, showing how various narratives – by Anna Verrall (Riviere’s mother), Ernest Jones, Sigmund Freud, and her collaborators – shape her image. The most interesting thread is Riviere's absence from discourse, the lack of reference to her, despite her significant contribution to psychoanalysis. While her concept appears in works at the intersection of philosophy, psychoanalysis, and feminism, her figure remains incomplete and elusive. More important than her image are the concrete actions she took, which had a real impact on the development of psychoanalysis. This paper, introducing Polish readers to Riviere’s figure, contributes to a deeper reflection on her contribution to the history of psychoanalysis and feminism.
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