Teaching Methods in Ethical Education in the Netherlands





teaching ethics in the Netherlands, scaffolding technique, methods of teaching ethics, effectiveness of practicing philosophy


The article presents the position of ethics in school education programmes in the Netherlands and the goals and the practice of teaching it. The article discusses the results of research conducted in Dutch schools, aimed at examining which teaching methods are best for developing students’ knowledge and skills. It is also important to determine which model of interaction between students and teachers is the most beneficial one? The study used forms of teaching based on the scaffolding technique. It is based on collective development of problems and philosophical discussion by organizing questions, searching for alternative answers and providing diverse examples. Observations gathered in research confirm the good effectiveness of this method, especially when the reasoning process is clearly structured, the structure of wrongly formulated questions is corrected and metaconcepts appear. A comparative analysis of selected lessons allows me to conclude that the choice of teaching form has a decisive impact on the level of students’ involvement and, consequently, on the development of their skills. The active participation of the teacher as a coordinator of the discussion, initiating the dialogue and giving it a logically clear structure is also important. For this reason, it is important that teachers conducting classes have proper philosophical and methodological background.


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How to Cite

Kienstra, N. (2024). Teaching Methods in Ethical Education in the Netherlands. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, (43), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6107.43.05