Ideology critique and psychiatry Antoni Kępiński's work on concentration camps syndrome
psychiatry, survivor syndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder, critique of ideologyAbstract
Antoni Kępiński's work on the KZ syndrome has not been so far a subject of thorough scientific research. In this paper Kępiński's work is investigated regarding two aspects of this problematic. In addition to questions concerning the patient-doctor relationship in psychiatry, the article focuses on the possible extension of the subject area of psychiatry. Kępiński's work suggests important conclusions at this point. Many psychiatric disorders, but especially the symptom complex of the KZ syndrome, are not only the result of individual experiences but also the individual values and the individual view of the patient on his suffering. This requires a high ethical competence of the physician. In addition, the example of the KZ syndrome demonstrates the effects that social formation can have on the individual psyche. Psychiatry must therefore tackle questions that extend its existing subject area.
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