Review Procedure
Review Procedure
Each original article published in the journal undergoes a double peer review process. Submitted manuscripts are initially discussed by the editorial board and, if accepted, after potential amendments introduced in collaboration with the author, blind peer-reviewed by two independent and anonymous reviewers. Reviewers are chosen separately for every article concerning their field of study and academic merit. All reviewers should possess a higher academic degree (at least a habilitation qualification). In the case of submissions in languages other than Polish, one of the reviewers must be affiliated with an institution abroad. The names of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors. The complete list of reviewers is presented on-line on the journal’s main page (See the rubric “About”: “Our reviewers”) and actualized at the end of each year.
Reviewers are asked to complete the form and assess if the article fits the publishing criteria.
Based on the two written external reviews, the subject editor makes the final decision about whether to accept or reject the article. The author receives a review report stating the decision (declined/accepted/conditionally accepted) and indicating requested amendments and supplements. Authors are requested to follow the enclosed instructions. All submitted articles undergo the same procedure.
Due to the strict nature of the double-blind peer-review process, the manuscript should be prepared without information indicating the identity of the author – this includes acknowledgement of your institution, references to your own work (as in “see my article…”), etc. Information that would identify you as the author should be removed both from your text and from the notes. Author’s name should appear only on a separate cover page, along with contact information. The title of the article, but not the author’s name, should be repeated on the first page of the text.