Episteologiczny ideał wiedzy i jego odrzucenie
In the paper I try to present what I termed epistheology in its relation to basic concepts of theory of knowledge: the knowledge itself, its unity and systemic character, criteria of truth and selfevidence, and the questions of justification (of knowledge and criteria of knowledge both) and ethical ideal of knowledge as the contemplation of God's design. Epistheology is thus an epistemic discourse based on and warranted by theological concepts. I analyze Descartes, Malebranche, Leibniz and the like to demonstrate the way this discourse operates. In the second part of the paper I sketch the British approach: empirical, secular, and most importantly based on the concept of verisimilitude. Humean philosophy is in this way not only seen as antagonistic to its continental predecessors, but also victorious as a foundation of new and fertile paradigm of secular science.
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