Spór o determinizm w mikrofizyce a operacjonizm
The article presents the stance taken by the creator of operationism P. W. Bridgman in a dispute about a possibility of interpreting deterministically the results of quantum mechanics. A natural consequence of a gnoseological view created by Bridgman and called operationism is recognition that the indeterministic Copenhagen interpretation of the results of quantum mechanics, called "orthodox" by Bridgman, is the only possible interpretation at the present state of physics. Only new empirical facts, if they are discovered, may - according to Bridgman - pave the way for deterministic description of phenomena occurring in the microworld. This thesis of Bridgman is questioned by the author who tends to share a view that it is rather the appearance of a new theoretical concept that may allow for a new deterministic interpretation of empirical facts known for a long time.
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