Long live the Freedom! The influence of books on the reader´s spiritual transformation
books, Hans and Sophie Scholl, Nazism, spiritual transformation, The White Rose, martyrdomAbstract
The aim of this article is to show on the example of the siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl the influence of books, furthermore the power of the word and the content, contained in the books on the spiritual transformation of the human being. A deeply rooted in Christian values and in liberal world views parental home, the contact with art and music, but in particular the reading masterpieces of outstanding writers, philosophers and theologians were for Scholl siblings in the time of the Nazi regime, the unwavering basement not only of their intellectual development, but above all of their spiritual transformation, which releases an enormous power, to oppose passively against the manipulating and terrorising regime, creating and spread the leaflets of the White Rose, but also the power of an unlimited courage to give their lives for saving the personal freedom of the mankind.Downloads
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17104/9783406700262
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