Teaching Polish studies in the new era: strategy and methods based on the example of the curriculum of teaching translation and interpreting
Polish studies, teaching, Polish language, translationAbstract
Polish studies in China have a history of over 65 years. The oldest centre of Polish studies was established in Beijing (Beijing Foreign Studies University) in 1954. In the last decade, several centres teaching Polish language and culture have emerged in China. The development, implementation, and modifications of the curricula of teaching Chinese students Polish constitutes an important issue and a major challenge for centres of Polish studies in China. This article discusses the latest curriculum of teaching Polish at Beijing Foreign Studies University, with the oldest Polish courses in China, and presents the strategy and methods for implementing the curriculum using the example of translation classes. I shall answer the question of what role in the Chinese-Polish exchange Polish studies in China can play, and what the objective of producing Polish studies graduates in China is and how that is fulfilled.
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