Linguistic interference in formulating conditional constructions by Polish students who study Serbian as a foreign Language
Serbian as a foreign language, Polish language, linguistic interference, mistake in teaching language, conditional constructionsAbstract
The paper presents the analysis of the mistakes, which are made during the process of formulating the conditional constructions in Serbian language by students of the Slavic Studies in the University of Lodz, who learn Serbian as a foreign language. In addition, the author examines the issue of linguistic interference in formulating the conditional constructions in Serbian as a foreign language. The basis for the investigation is the corpus, containing various kinds of essays and tests which were collected during 6 years of teaching Serbian as a foreign language (Serbian in use) in all levels as long as diverse exercises, intentionally created for the research. Due to the fact that conditional constructions in Polish and in Serbian – despite many similarities – differ from each other and that in Serbian language there is one more syntactic (but not semantic) type of conditional construction, this constructions are very problematic for students, who very often make of the mistakes and moreover those mistakes lead to other ones. The aim of the research is to present all types of conditional constructions in both languages, to compare them and to demonstrate mistakes, made by students as a result of linguistic interference. Another goal is to suggest ways to prevent mistakes in order to avoid or minimize them.
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