The teacher and students contribution to the elimination of language mistakes during German-Polis h interpreting classes


  • Ewa Wojaczek Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Neofilologiczny, Instytut Filologii Germańskiej, Katedra Językoznawstwa i Teorii Przekładu image/svg+xml



attention to language correctness, elimination of language mistakes, German-Polish interpreting, optimization of correctness of translation


In the paper, I attempt to optimize the elimination techniques of the most frequent language mistakes made by students of German studies during German-Polish interpreting classes. The suggestions which are presented in the paper are based on my long professional experience as an university teacher and a translator. In the process of the error correction, I systematically try to draw students’ attention to the mistakes they make during my translation classes. I do not correct the mistakes myself but I involve the students in the correction process, because I think that only in such a way they can be fully aware of the mistakes they make. I believe such awareness helps optimize the correctness of translation and supports the attention to language correctness, especially that the students also make mistakes in the Polish language which is, after all, the native language for most them.


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How to Cite

Wojaczek, E. (2015). The teacher and students contribution to the elimination of language mistakes during German-Polis h interpreting classes. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 22, 75–86.