The error in the interlanguage of Polish as a foreign language learners and the intercultural communications problems. A new approach


  • Elżbieta Łątka-Likh Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Polonistyki, Katedra Współczesnego Języka Polskiego image/svg+xml



error, intercultural communication, interlanguage


The language error is traditionally understood as an involuntary deviation from accepted rules of a language (Markowski 2011). This definition is not always helpful in the analysis of foreign language students’ statements, because they use tPhe interlanguage which is a dynamic phenomenon. The interlingual approach to the analysis of students’ errors enables to perceive those mistakes as an indispensable and creative process in language learning. In my article, I refer to French publications which present an error from the interlingual perspective (Py, Masiewicz). Taking into consideration the possible obstacles, I also analyze the potential influence of the deviation from accepted rules and typical language behavior on the effectiveness of intercultural communication. The students’ statements I have collected during Polish as a foreign language classes (at various language levels) serve as the data for the analysis.


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How to Cite

Łątka-Likh, E. (2015). The error in the interlanguage of Polish as a foreign language learners and the intercultural communications problems. A new approach. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 22, 143–154.