About the Journal

The yearbook Acta Universtitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców (Studies in Teaching Polish to Foreigners) published by the University of Lodz in the series Acta Universitatis Lodziensis has been appearing in print since 1987 and is the oldest journal in Poland showing problems of teaching Polish as a foreign language. Between 1987 and 2009 the journal was connected with the School of Polish for Foreign Students of the University of Lodz, a university centre teaching foreigners from all over the world continuously since 1952. The seat of the journal’s editorial board moved to the Department of Applied and Cultural Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz in 2010. Each volume of Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców is reviewed. The volume of 1987 which initiated the series is referred to as volume zero as, being a trial volume, it did not receive an issue number. Researchers of the problems of teaching Polish culture and JPJO from Poland and abroad published in the journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców. Many of them are scientists recognized today in the entire Polish language glottodidactics community. Materials from important language teaching conferences were published in several years of the journal, in others – scientific monographs whose authors took up topics related to teaching Polish as a foreign language, and in subsequent ones – collections of articles.

Focus and Scope of Journal

The journal is aimed at disseminating humanistic research from the field of Polish didactics: it publishes works concerning various issues connected with teaching Polish as a foreign and second language, also in comparison with teaching other languages. The papers which are published in Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców depict problems with teaching Polish as a foreign language from the perspective of, for instance, linguistics, pedagogy, communication studies, cultural studies, psychology, psycholinguistics or sociology. Papers are directed at specialists teaching Polish as a foreign/second language at home and abroad as well as researchers interested in the topic of didactics.

Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców includes publications by both Polish and foreign researchers concerning problems of teaching both Polish culture and Polish as a foreign language. Many of them are scholars renowned today in the circles of Polish didactics. A few yearbooks released materials from important didactics conferences, others included scientific monographs whose authors dealt with topics connected with teaching Polish as a foreign language and subsequent ones – sets of papers.

Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 70 (July 2023)

Amount of research and review articles which were published last year: 32

Publisher: Lodz University Press


Review Process

The review process is arranged by double-blind system. Every text is subject to at least two reviews.  Journals of University of Lodz are publishing scientific articles only after double-blind review, language and technical edition. We do not share our articles in pre-publication.

The journal uses the following review process:

1. After having received a manuscript, the editors of the volume determine whether it fits the general scope of the journal. Manuscripts which do not observe the Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Studies in the Teaching Polish to Foreigners format will be returned to authors for correction.

2. The volume editors assign two reviewers outside of the University of Lodz (and the institution the author is affiliated by). For each volume, the editors assign reviewers with both Polish and foreign affiliations. The review procedure might be conducted by a domestic or foreign member of the journal’s program council if the other reviewer is not the council’s member. There should be no conflict of interest between the author and the reviewers.

3. If both reviews are favorable the manuscript will be accepted for publication. Should one of the reviews be negative, the editors assign a third reviewer whose opinion is conclusive.

4. The review process is double-blind. The list of all the reviewers is published on the journal’s edition notice and website (immediately after publication).

5. The review should adhere to the highest ethical scientific standards, i.e. it should be reliable, objective and precise. It should evaluate the text’s composition, the use of scientific discourse and its content.

6. The review should be prepared with the use of standardized Review form and should end with unambiguous conclusion whether the text should be accepted for publication or not. It may also indicate necessary revisions. The review form can be found at https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/redakcje-czasopism/acta-universitatis-lodziensis-ksztalcenie-polonistyczne-cudzoziemcow/

7. The editors make the reviews available to the authors and inform them whether their manuscript has been accepted. The authors address the reviewers’ comments and undertake the necessary revisions. The reviewers might demand that the revised manuscript is resubmitted for evaluation. The decision to reject a manuscript is final.


Open Access Policy

The basic license for publishing articles in the journal is CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution – Non-Commercial Use – No Derivatives). At the author's request it is possible to publish it under the CC-BY (Attribution) license.

The journal has been available in Open Access since 2014 (see: archival issues in the University of Lodz Repository). First issue published in OJS in 2017 (see: Archives).

The Author grants the University of Lodz the non-exclusive proprietary copyrights license for the work in all fields of exploitation listed in Art. 50 of the Act of February 4, 1994 about copyright and related rights, also by an open access (including the rules of the Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND). The license also includes the right for further sublicensing in the aforementioned fields of exploitation. See: Copyright Notice

Due to the implementation of the policy of open access to science works, the University of Lodz uses the Author’s right to deposit the work in the Repository of the University of Lodz and other distribution platforms, and the Author notes not to terminate the license agreement throughout its duration. See: Author Declaration Form

Personal copyrights are not transferable. Granting the license does not take away the property rights from the author.

License allows to copy and distribute the work in any medium provided an appropriate credit is given – you must provide the name of the creator and attribution parties, a copyright notice, a license notice, a disclaimer notice, and the link to the material, a link to the license, and you must indicate the changes made.

You are allowed to disseminate, present, and search for works only for non-commercial purposes and as long as you go for exploitation. You should not improve the modified content, which has been processed or created from the original new work (derivative work).

Full text of the license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode

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