Spór o ustalenie nieślubności córek Witolda Potockiego i Marii z Florkiewiczów w świetle prawa cywilnego obowiązującego w zaborze austriackim
The article presents the procedure of commencing the case of the illegitimate descent a child in the austrian annexation in 19th century and shows juridical consequences of the judgment of it’s illegitimacy. It’s also concentrated on the issue of the situation of the illegitimate child in the society. The article based on the archival materials narrates about the case of the adjudication the illegitimate descent count Witold Potocki’s and Maria z Florkiewiczów Potocka’s children. The count submitted a petition of the adjudication the illegitimate descent daughters: Izabella born in 1869 and Maria Karolina born in 1871 in Cracovian court in 1874.
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