Portrait of teachers of Sokołow schools in the years 1944–1975 (selected examples)
history, education, teachers, communism, Sokołów PodlaskiAbstract
The article presents the profiles of teachers of schools in Sokołów in the years 1944–1975. This professional group was shaped by the years of the Second Polish Republic (thorough education) and the difficult time of German occupation (secret teaching). After 1944, education in Sokołów Podlaski underwent communist indoctrination. Some of the teachers found in a new situation and changed their views, for which the new authority honored their positions, for example: Stanisław Olędzki became the director of the High School. Others fought the system by telling the truth in classes with students, belonging to the Catholic Church. The exclusivity of this professional group is: social authority; civil courage in public manifesting one’s views, religions and authorities; thorough, university education; huge respect for knowledge; reliability in performing their duties; transferring national tradition to their students. The generational change of this professional group in Sokołów Podlaski took place in the 1960s. The teachers passed the moral examination, they did not betray their vocation. They raised a generation, which in a later period, took up the fight against communist ideology. They also educated many professionals and scientists from various areas of life.
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