The Polish Army in the economic life of the city of Lodz in the years of the Second Republic of Poland


  • Witold Jarno Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Katedra Historii Polski i Świata po 1945 r.



the history of the city of Lodz in the 20th century, Polish Army in Lodz, the economy of the city of Lodz, Lodz in the interwar period


The article describes the role of the Polish Army in the economic life of the city of Lodz in the years 1918–1939. In the city were stationed many military units and institutions at that time, thanks to which the Lodz garrison belonged to one of the largest in Poland in the years of the Second Polish Republic. The army was an important factor in the economic development of the city. Military units were shopping on the local market many different products necessary for their normal functioning. For example, the army was buying: items of equipment, food, draft animals, building materials, furniture and other elements of barracks equipment. Orders placed by the army and private purchases of soldiers ensured work for a large group of workers and craftsmen. Economic benefits from the presence of the army in the garrison in Lodz were also had by the shoemakers, tailors, hairdressers, restaurateurs, and owners of cinemas and theaters. The owners of private tenements had also large profits for renting apartments for officers. All these factors meant that the municipal authorities were interested in stationing as many military units as possible in Lodz, which had a significant impact on the city’s economic development.


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How to Cite

Jarno, W. (2019). The Polish Army in the economic life of the city of Lodz in the years of the Second Republic of Poland. Studia Z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX I XX Wieku, 20, 89–102.




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