Legacy of the Jesuits in the resources of the Central State Historical Archives in Lviv


  • Magdalena Ujma Uniwersytet Opolski, Instytut Historii, Katedra Historii Nowożytnej




Jesuits, Lviv, cancel, monasteries


In the resources of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, sources about the Jesuits concerns various parts of Galicia, and, in some cases, lands beyond its borders. Most archival units containing documents from the period of kasat are not widely known, and some of them are probably not used at all. The documents archived here may be of interest to art historians, as well as historians of material culture or medical historians. Part of them may prove useful also in research on pre- and fortune-possession of Jesuits in the Austrian Partition and outside its borders. The wide chronological range and the abundance of this material lead to the conclusion that it well reflects the subsequent stages in Jesuit history after the dissolution of the order in 1773. Many documents relate to just this and the period before and after the restoration of the Order in 1814. His delegalization in 1848 and the way of the Jesuits to abolition in 1853 are well documented. Preserved inventories don’t have to be fully reliable, of course. They may also not reflect the actual possession of the order in the period before the dissolution. The important thing is, that they allow at least a partial reconstruction of the equipment of churches, colleges, pharmacies or convents. These documents also contain lists of monks and a discussion on providing them with means of subsistence. Thanks to them, we also get a spatial picture of the development of post-Jesuit plots, gradually merging into the urban organism modernized in the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Ujma, M. (2019). Legacy of the Jesuits in the resources of the Central State Historical Archives in Lviv. Studia Z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX I XX Wieku, 20, 43–68. https://doi.org/10.18778/2080-8313.20.02




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