Depths and shallows. About the difficulties of synthesizing the history of the city (on the margin of Marcin J. Szymański’s book “Łódź na wodach dziejów. Biografia miasta”, Łódź 2020, pp. 320)
Łódź, urban history, contemporary regional historiography, industrial history, labor history, gender history, cultural historyAbstract
The urban history is a research area which eludes classical historiography and gives romm for many interesting phenomena. One of them are “biographies of cities”, which means the way of writing about about an urban history that imitates the biographies of famous people. Marcin Szymański made an attempt to write a biography of Łódź. This article assesses whether the researcher associated with the Institute of History at the University of Lodz has fulfilled this task well or not. Secondly, the place of M. Szymański’s book in the literature on Łódź and its usefulness as a source of knowledge about the city’s past were also analyzed here. Finally, strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed book were pointed out.
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