The problem of financing sacral and ecclesiastical building industry in the period of Polish People’s Republic on an example of the Lodz Diocese
Polish People’s Republic, Church Fund, Roman Catholic Church, sacral and ecclesiastical building industry, Lodz DioceseAbstract
The article describes unknown aspect of financing sacral building industry in the period of PRL (Polish People’s Republic). Presented issue is aimed at filling the gap in the existing historiography. None of the publications that have been published does not addresses the problem, seen from the perspective of the relations state–Church after the year 1945. This work therefore shows the difficulties associated with raising funds for the construction of new temples in the period of inhibition or fighting with any sacred investments by the authorities of Polish People’s Republic. The repressive and discriminatory for the Church legal provisions aimed at obstructing the construction of places of worship, which was also supposed to discourage clergymen from undertaking this type of activity. In turn, the „service-minded” priests were rewarded for their loyal attitude towards those in charge of allocating subsidies for minor construction works from the Church Fund, which was under the control of the Council of Ministers. All these factors meant that the greatest cost of building churches was borne by lay Catholics who organized public collections on their own, thus risking a fine. Also the parish priests also faced difficulties, while gaining money to continue construction works by using foreign contacts.
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