The march of the crown army to Chocim in the summer campaign of 1538 in the light of the military and vault documentation




medieval history, early-modern history, history of warfare


Analysis of war campaigns usually are relating to the tactic, fight, weapon or origins of the soldiers. Not so popular issues are for example translocations of armies, everyday life in the war camp or in the garrisons. Military documentation concerning the crown army of 1538 campaign preserved almost completely in the collection of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. It gives possibility of analysis of way, or rather ways, of march Polish army from Lwów to Chocim castle. The crown army in this campaign was not a homogeneous by organisation, arms and armour, equipment or origins of the soldiers. Despite this it is a good example to wide conclusions also in other geographical and chronological contexts.


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How to Cite

Bołdyrew, A. (2019). The march of the crown army to Chocim in the summer campaign of 1538 in the light of the military and vault documentation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (104), 47–60.