The letters of priest Jan Piotrowski, „the one friend at the court”, about the army in the military camp of Psków in 1581


  • Aleksander Bołdyrew Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Instytut Historii, Katedra Historii Średniowiecznej



early modern history of warfare, Pskov siege (1581–1582), art of war, everyday life, Kingdom of Poland, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Muscovy


The issues of everyday life in the military camp in the first part of early modern period wasn’t, as long as that (instead of few exceptions), the main theme of individual study. Discussing of this problem according to Stephan Bathory’s campaign in Livonia, especially the last one (Psków – 1581) is particularly interesting. The reason of that situation is fact, that we can use not only political documentary and well-preserved history sources relevant to militaries and public treasury, but also a diary of Jan Piotrowski, participant of those episodes. In many comprehensive letters he informed about the course of the military actions, but also about the moods and spirits of the soldiers. Many times he wrote about conditions of the soldiers’ everyday life in the camp (during march-pastes and siege), ways and circumstances of gaining the food, conditions of living in the military camp, sanitary and health issues too. His jottings are supplied by Łukasz Działyński and Jan Zborowski’s diaries.


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How to Cite

Bołdyrew, A. (2018). The letters of priest Jan Piotrowski, „the one friend at the court”, about the army in the military camp of Psków in 1581. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (102), 51–64.