Role and tasks of the logistic supply unit in support of Polish Military Contingents implementing tasks outside the borders of the country


  • Marek Brylew Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, Instytut Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Zakład Teorii Bezpieczeństwa i Polityki Obronnej



1st Logistic Brigade, Acquisition and Cross Service Agreement, National Support Element, NATO, Logistic Supply Unit, Polish Military Contingent, Support and Procurement Agency, supply and service


Proper organization and functioning of supply to Polish Military Contingents performing tasks outside the country is one of the essential elements of maintaining their proper operational capability. In addition to the National Support Element, a particular role in the procurement proces is provided by the Logistic Supply Unit (LSU) to whom the Polish Military Contingent has been allocated. The forementioned body is also responsible for the organization and implementation of the specialized training process for National Support Element soldiers, and then directing its activities in the field of national logistical support. Apart from a number of undertakings resulting from the obligations of supplying Polish Military Units, LSU also carries out tasks related to the organization of wheeled transport with supply from the country to the mission area, material resources and military equipment withdrawn from the Polish Military Contingents to the country, and the logistics of support the rotation of subsequent PMC shifts.


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How to Cite

Brylew, M. (2017). Role and tasks of the logistic supply unit in support of Polish Military Contingents implementing tasks outside the borders of the country. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (99), 291–308.