Procurement logistics, military preparations and spoils division on the Iberian Peninsula in the 13th century (on the basis of the legal regulations included in the Siete Partidas and the examples from the military campaigns)
Las Siete Partidas, Middle Ages, the war, military logistics, 13th–14th centuriesAbstract
Logistics is essential for military operations to be successful, however, its role has frequently been underestimated. Transportation of supplies, victualing of troops and garrisons, and military administration cannot be dispensed with during a military campaign. This paper discusses medieval military logistics on the basis of the regulations contained in the Siete Partidas, a comprehensive set of laws codified in Castile between 1251 and 1265. This legal code, compiled by Alfonso X the Wise, regulates all kinds of human activities and social intercourse. One of the sections of the Partidas deals with war, looking into such issues as waging war on land, qualifications and responsibilities of the commanders, weapons, siege engines, and other indispensable tools, managing troops on the march, quartering of troops, foraging and alternative provisioning methods, maintenance of military discipline. There are also strict regulations concerning the compensation which men should receive on account of injuries sustained in war, as well as concerning the collection and disposal of war booty. In addition, the number of examples of provisioning the armies conducting various campaigns in the Iberian Peninsula, England and France in 13th–14th centuries provide a better understanding of how supply networks functioned and how they met the needs of medieval men-at-arms.
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