Outliers vs Robustness in Nonparametric Methods of Regression
outliers, robustness, nonparametric regression methodsAbstract
The article addresses the question of how robust methods of regression are against outliers in a given data set. In the first part, we presented the selected methods used to detect outliers. Then, we tested the robustness of three nonparametric methods of regression: PPR, POLYMARS, and RANDOM FORESTS. The analysis was conducted applying simulation procedures to the data sets where outliers were detected. Contrary to a relatively common conviction about the robustness of nonparametric regression, the study revealed that the models built on the basis of complete data sets represent a significantly lower predictive capability than models based on the sets from which outliers were discarded.
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Additional Files
- Chart 1. The dendrogram for Ward’s method and the visualization of multidimensional scaling for the crime set / Rys. 1. Dendrogram dla metody Warda oraz wizualizacja skalowania wielowymiarowego dla zbioru crime
- Chart 2. The dendrogram for Ward’s method and the visualization of multidimensional scaling for the hbk set / Rys. 2. Dendrogram dla metody Warda oraz wizualizacja skalowania wielowymiarowego dla zbioru hbk
- Chart 3. The dendrogram for Ward’s method and the visualization of multidimensional scaling for the flats set / Rys. 3. Dendrogram dla metody Warda oraz wizualizacja skalowania wielowymiarowego dla zbioru flats