
  • Justyna Wiktorowicz University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of Economic and Social Statistics



ICT, ageing, multivariate statistics


The terms “digital divide”, “digital exclusion” refer to the gap between those who have regular access to digital and information technology and are able to effectively use it, and those who do not have such access. The development of ICT infrastructure, with which we are experiencing in recent years, also in the Lodz region, was resulted in smaller digital divide of the first degree (inability to use the appropriate hardware and software), the problem remains, however, the digital divide of the second degree, having their roots in psychological barriers. This applies particularly to the elderly, whose skills are low, and their motivation for skill development is often weak. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the scale of the digital divide Lodz region residents aged 50 years and older. In the paper I used for this purpose the results of nationwide researches - Social Diagnosis and "Diagnosis of the current situation of women and men aged 50+ on the labour market in Poland", on the basis of which the synthetic index of Internet  versality were constructed. Analysis of these data are done using multivariate statistical analysis. In addition, in the paper the chosen activities undertaken in the fight against digital exclusion in the Lodz region.


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Author Biography

Justyna Wiktorowicz, University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of Economic and Social Statistics

PhD in economic sciences, assistant professor in the Economic and Social Statistics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at Łódź University. Graduate of Postgraduate Studies on Evaluation of programmes financed from EU funds. Her scientific interests focus on statistical methods and their application in social and economic research in the following areas: situation of older persons on the labour market, continuing education, education and competence of employees, knowledge management, public procurement. Author, co-author or co-editor of about 100 scientific and popular science publications. Member of International Federation on Ageing and Polish Economic Society. Participant of several national and international research, training, advisory and promotional projects.


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How to Cite

Wiktorowicz, J. (2016). DIGITAL DIVIDE IN THE GENERATION 50+ IN LODZKIE VOIVODESHIP. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(315).



Aging population

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