
  • Agnieszka Marzena Labus PhD. Eng. Arch.



multi-generational houses, ageing society, Generationenhaus Heslach, Stuttgart


This article deals with the issues of multi-generational houses, as a form of residence in the XXI century, corresponding to the contemporary challenges of an aging population and diverse ways and patterns of family life. The author describes the evolution of multi-generational house with a view "tomorrow" and "nowadays", as well as spatial solutions is looking for new trends and developments and the needs of a diverse society. The article describes the issue of multi-generational house in relation to urban policy action, e.g. the German initiative to develop a government program "Mehrgenerationenhaus", but also the urban and architectural structure of the example of multi-generational house "Generationenhaus Heslach" in Stuttgart. The result of the study are the social, economic and spatial conclusions as well as to relate to the situation in Poland.


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Marzena Labus, PhD. Eng. Arch.

Agnieszka Labus - adjunct at the Department of Urban and Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Architecture at Silesian University of Technology; Doctor of Technical Sciences (2013) in the discipline of architecture and urban planning, specializing in urban renewal in the context of demographic changes, including an aging population.

She participated in research projects related mainly with the problems of an aging population.  Her PhD thesis in Ageing European societies of the 21th century in urban renewal concepts at Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice was funded by The National Center of Science by program PRELUDIUM (2011-2013) - national scientific research project, carried out by the person beginning a scientific carrier without a doctor’s degree. She was also the winner of the scholarship program "Design Silesia - PhD for Innovation" (2012) co-funded by the EU by European Social Funds. Since 2010 she has participated as an expert in the task force for the strategy implemented by the Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region in creation of the strategic document in the field of aging population in the Malopolska Region (the first that type in Poland). In 2014 she participated as an expert for the spatial issues in European project Adapt project 2DC - adaptation to demographic change co-financer by Central Europe Programme. 

The result of her research, which leads from the 2009 is more than 40 publications and the monograph "European ageing societies in the 21th century in the context of urban renewal", and over 20 national and international conference speeches, including guest lectures. For her studies and projects she has been awarded numerous prizes and scholarships (by Ministery of Higher Education, Embassy of France, Foundation for Polish Science, project "Design Silesia II" - European Social Funds; in 2014 she was awarded by journal "Polityka" and she is a winner of Scientific Award in the category "Humanities").

Member of: Polish Society of Gerontology and the European Network - Working Group in project genderSTE 3 (Cities, Energy, Climat Change, Transport) in the framework of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).


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How to Cite

Labus, A. M. (2016). MULTI-GENERATIONAL HOUSES IN RESPONSE TO AGEING SOCIETY IN THE 21TH CENTURY. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(315).



Aging population

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