Reform of the supervision over banks in the European Union – banking union


  • Klaudia Zielińska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych.



banking union, Single Supervision Mechanism, Single Resolution Mechanism, Deposit Guarantee System


The article describes the concept of creating a banking union. It analyses the structure of each of its pillars as well as their evolution during the negotiations amongst Member States. The author also describes the attitude of Poland towards the project of a banking union.


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How to Cite

Zielińska, K. (2016). Reform of the supervision over banks in the European Union – banking union. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 5(316), [155]-169.



Mechanisms of the euro area

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