Do Malignant Neoplasms Contributed to Excess Mortality of Males Aged 65 and More in the Lodz Region from 1999 to 2014?




excess male mortality, malignant neoplasms, population aged 65 and more, time trends, Lodz region


The aim of the study is the analysis of mortality due to cancer diseases of men and women aged 65+ in the Lodz region in the period 1999-2014, with particular emphasis on the phenomenon of excess male mortality. The analysis included information on 501,124 deaths reported in the Lodz region from 1999 to 2014. Crude and standardized death rates according to the causes of death based on ICD–10 and excess mortality rates were calculated. An analysis of time trends was performed with the use of joinpoint models. In the period under study a slight decrease in standardized mortality rates (per 10,000) caused by cancer among people aged 65 and more was observed – from 171.7 to 166.8 among males and from 83.9 to 81.7 among females. The excess mortality rate at the beginning and end of the study period was 2.0. The main causes of deaths in the C00‑C97 class among men aged 65+ in 2014 were cancers of (rates per 10,000): trachea, bronchus and lung (46.0); colon, rectum and anus (19.0); prostate (18.4). While among women aged 65 and more, these were cancers of: trachea, bronchus and lung (12.6); colon, rectum and anus (11.3); breast (8.8). The phenomenon of excess mortality of males aged 65 and more due to cancer diseases in the Lodz region in 2014 was determined mainly by malignant neoplasms of: bladder; trachea, bronchus and lung; stomach.


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How to Cite

Ciabiada-Bryła, B., Drygas, W., Pikala, M., Bryła, M., & Maniecka-Bryła, I. (2019). Do Malignant Neoplasms Contributed to Excess Mortality of Males Aged 65 and More in the Lodz Region from 1999 to 2014?. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 3(342), 167–182.




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