Overview and Evaluation of Selected Indicators of Availability and Attractiveness of Urban Green Spaces
spatial planning, green space indicators, accessibility metrics, urban green space, quality of life in the cityAbstract
One of the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the UN, as well as in other international declarations and strategic documents (WHO, European Union), is to ensure: “universal access to safe, public green spaces”. The main goal of this article is to present and discuss selected indicators of accessibility and attractiveness of urban green spaces (especially those formal and publicly available). The review includes both indicators constructed for research purposes and for spatial planning in cities. Many indicators have been proposed in the literature to measure access to green spaces, taking into account aspects such as: distance, green space area and amount of green space per capita. Such indicators are very general, they do not reflect the condition of a particular green space, and they are used mostly for planning purposes. Sometimes, they are extended to issues closely related to access, such as property rights, opening hours and physical barriers (e.g. busy roads or rivers that significantly hinder access to a given green space). Moreover, these indicators are connected with additional features of green spaces pertaining to their attractiveness (cleanliness, equipment, number of users, biodiversity). Only such a comprehensive analysis of accessibility and attractiveness allows us to capture the actual state of affairs and the possible implementation of activities improving access to attractive urban green spaces. These indicators capture respectively the accessibility of green spaces and their attractiveness. The review mainly covered English‑language literature. The article provides a review of existing indicators and synthesizes knowledge related to the broadly understood access and attractiveness of urban green spaces.
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