In the footsteps of amber mining in the Pomeranian Province
former amber mine, geosite, Pomerania ProvinceAbstract
Article is based on analysis of archival cartographic materials and Polish–German literature from the period between the 16th and 21th centuries. It presents the sites of old amber mines in the Pomerania Province. In total 32 new and unknown amber mines were found and the study of historical topographic maps made it possible to establish the very exact location of places mentioned in previous works. The analysis of historical materials conducted by the author points to locations of unknown, well-preserved, old extraction sites, which are valuable due to their cultural heritage. After some investment in the local infrastructure, the sites can make attractive spots in the region. The geosite of Bursztynowe Kule’ in Tricity Landscape Park is one of such places were well-preserved old amber mines are to be found. The final result of library research is the GIS ‘Digital map of former amber mines in the Pomerania Province’.
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