Angstgefühle und deren mögliche Auswirkungen auf das Lernen von Fremdsprachen. Fokus: Studienanfänger/innen in der Germanistik – eine Fallstudie


  • Krzysztof Nerlicki



In glottodidactic research into second language acquisition, an important role is played by the learner’s individual features as they usually determine the learning process. In this context, researchers are particulary interested in the anxiety of speaking experienced by many learners, its origins and influence on the process of communication in a foreign language. This article is an empirical study that presents results of a questionnaire completed by the first-year German philology students of BA and MA studies. While answering the questions, the respondents referred to their earlier school experiences. A standard questionnaire described in HORWITZ / HORWITZ / COPE (1986) was used in this particular research. The results did not show significant differences between the level of anxiety experienced by both groups. There are, however, differences in some aspects. The obtained results, and the conclusions that can be drawn from them, can be used in preparing practical language classes for college students.


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How to Cite

Nerlicki, K. (2007). Angstgefühle und deren mögliche Auswirkungen auf das Lernen von Fremdsprachen. Fokus: Studienanfänger/innen in der Germanistik – eine Fallstudie. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 227–261.


